
By using any of RoyaleAPI’s trademarks, logos, designs or assets, you accept and agree to comply with the terms set forth in these Brand Guidelines, in the applicable RoyaleAPI Terms & Conditions which are incorporated by reference (royaleapi.com/tosopen in new window), in other RoyaleAPI policies or as expressly permitted by RoyaleAPI. You further acknowledge that RoyaleAPI may take action against unauthorized or infringing use or use that does not conform to these Brand Guidelines.

RoyaleAPI is the sole owner of the RoyaleAPI trademarks, and you will not challenge or interfere with RoyaleAPI’s rights in any them, including challenging RoyaleAPI’s use and registration of its RoyaleAPI trademarks.

When you use the RoyaleAPI trademarks, you must clearly identify that they are trademarks of RoyaleAPI.

You will not use the RoyaleAPI trademarks in a manner that implies that RoyaleAPI has sponsored or endorsed the use without the express written permission or license from RoyaleAPI.

You will not use or apply to register any of the RoyaleAPI trademarks in part or in whole, or anything confusingly similar to the RoyaleAPI trademarks, as a trademark, service mark, company name, trade name, domain name, or social media handle, profile, wallpaper, etc.

You will not harm, misuse, disparage, or dilute the RoyaleAPI trademarks or tarnish RoyaleAPI’s goodwill in them. Examples of misuse include: altering authorized color schemes and/or fonts, rescaling, obscuring, animating or otherwise distorting or mutilating the trademarks or logos.

All goodwill associated with your use of the RoyaleAPI trademarks will inure exclusively to RoyaleAPI.

RoyaleAPI may modify these Brand Guidelines or revoke permission to use the RoyaleAPI trademarks at any time.

Except for the limited right to use the RoyaleAPI trademarks for the specified purposes under these Brand Guidelines, no other rights are granted, by implication or otherwise. RoyaleAPI provides these Brand Guidelines “as is” and disclaims any warranties either expressed or implied by law regarding RoyaleAPI’s trademarks, including warranties of non-infringement.